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On a journey to eating clean, removing toxins, optimizing our bodies (and home) and living a simple all natural life!

It all started in 2013 when my husband JC was diagnosed with a Pineal Gland cyst in his brain.The doctors told us we needed to start thinking about surgery.  We knew we didn’t want to go that route and desperately started looking for other alternatives.

Jc and Lauren at Disney Marathon

Jc and Lauren Giraldo

Our decision was to get healthy and try and heal this cyst naturally. We scoured the internet and found an overwhelming amounts of information on holistic health, detoxing, different diets to try and quickly realized we had a whole lot of changes to make!

It started with reading ingredient labels, to going organic with our food, to changing our toothpastes and personal products, to the paleo diet then we went vegan…then the bulletproof diet. We were constantly having to explain ourselves to family and friends and explain what new program we were on and just having a really hard time with that. Then one day we realized… if we kept trying all these fads we were going to drive ourselves and our family crazy! There are so many areas of life that need to be changed, why not just try and use only the best natural stuff in every situation and keep life simple. We figured, if you always use only the best, most natural stuff how can you go wrong?

So what do we mean by ‘Best Natural Stuff’?

When we say natural we mean taking things back to the very basics. There are so many foods and products out there that claim to be “natural” and simply are not. Best Natural means food or products that are in their original form. Something that hasn’t been modified, added to, altered or blended with something else. In the simplest form, as close to nature as possible. We use this basic principle for our food as well as what we use on our bodies and what we use in our home. 

For example, lotion. You can use store bought lotion that is full of toxic chemical ingredients or the best natural option is to just rub pure coconut oil on your body.

Or food seasoning as another example, you can sprinkle some seasoning mix from a bottle which contains toxins and loads of MSG. The best natural way is to chop up some raw garlic, onions and use garden herbs to season your food.

So whenever you are going to consume something just ask yourself, is this the most original form of this item? Is it as close to nature as possible?

Keep a lookout for foods or products with the least number of ingredients possible, this is an easy start to using only the best natural stuff.

We want to Make Natural, Normal.

Just a heads up though, when you go the natural route you have to remember that you’re doing things differently from everyone else. People may judge you or criticize you because it contrasts the life they have been living for a long time. So you’ll have two choices… You either embrace it or give in and go back to doing what everyone else is doing.

But it shouldn’t have to be awkward! That’s why we want to make natural…normal. There is a movement sweeping across the globe people are waking up to the reality that our world is toxic. But YOUR world doesn’t have to be!

There are simple changes you can make right now to detox your life and go natural. We hope you’ll find everything you need here to help make it happen!



JC Before Best Natural

Jc Healthy

Jc After Best Natural


We’re Still on our Journey, but want to share it with you…